Orders placed today are shipped with current seed inventory, not 2025

Ageratum, Bouquet Blue QIS
Ageratum, Bouquet Blue QIS

Replaces Everest. It is a perfect blue for balancing
bouquets. Provides long lasting colour in the flower
bed and can be pinched for a wider plant spread.
Annual | Ht. 65cm/26” | Pelleted Seed. Packet contains 25-30 Pellets

Ageratum, Bouquet Blue QIS

Replaces Everest. It is a perfect blue for balancing
bouquets. Provides long lasting colour in the flower
bed and can be pinched for a wider plant spread.
Annual | Ht. 65cm/26” | Pelleted Seed. Packet contains 25-30 Pellets

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
Packet 6014A $2.95
Available to order
500 pellets 6014B $9.75
Available to order