Orders placed today are shipped with current seed inventory, not 2025

Echinacea, Feeling Blanche

E. purpurea Impressive first year blooming variety from France with strong garden performance. The dark foliage contrasts beautifully with the snow white blooms. Feeling Blanche forms large clumps quickly, which allows it to overwinter well.
Perennial Zone 3 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. Late Summer | 300-360 sds/gm.

Echinacea, Feeling Blanche

E. purpurea Impressive first year blooming variety from France with strong garden performance. The dark foliage contrasts beautifully with the snow white blooms. Feeling Blanche forms large clumps quickly, which allows it to overwinter well.
Perennial Zone 3 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. Late Summer | 300-360 sds/gm.

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
Packet 7285A $4.25
Available to order
50 seeds 7285B $10.75
Available to order
250 seeds 7285C $27.45
Available to order