Our physical store is closed till Jan 13 for inventory switch over

Phlox,  Blushing Bride
Phlox,  Blushing Bride

Tall cutting type with bicolour pink shades fading to white, very pretty! Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 450-550 Seeds/gm. Packet =200-235 seeds

Phlox, Blushing Bride

Tall cutting type with bicolour pink shades fading to white, very pretty! Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 450-550 Seeds/gm. Packet =200-235 seeds

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
Packet 6695A $4.25 Not currently available

not currently available

2g 6695B $9.75 Not currently available

not currently available