Our physical store is closed till Jan 13 for inventory switch over

Peas, Grundy-Perfect Arrow

Our best main season pea. Tasty and sweet.
Tolerates cool and warm conditions when older
varieties go bitter. Consistently produces high yields
of large 4” pods averaging 9-10 medium sized, dark
green peas. Double podded concentrated set on
medium-sized strong plants. Cool season vigour and
heat tolerance. Excellent fresh market and freezing
variety. (HR:F/PM IR:PEMV) 63 days
Pkt contains 175-200 sds

Peas, Grundy-Perfect Arrow

Our best main season pea. Tasty and sweet.
Tolerates cool and warm conditions when older
varieties go bitter. Consistently produces high yields
of large 4” pods averaging 9-10 medium sized, dark
green peas. Double podded concentrated set on
medium-sized strong plants. Cool season vigour and
heat tolerance. Excellent fresh market and freezing
variety. (HR:F/PM IR:PEMV) 63 days
Pkt contains 175-200 sds

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
Packet 2941A $2.85
Available to order
125 grams 2941B $5.30
Available to order
450 grams 2941C $9.40
Available to order
2 kilos 2941D $31.25
Available to order
5 kilos 2941E $48.35
Available to order
10 kilos 2941F $79.95
Available to order
22.5 kilos 2941G $160.45
Available to order