Our physical store is closed till Jan 13 for inventory switch over

Soil, Premier Organic Growing Mix
Soil, Premier Organic Growing Mix

A uniform and consistent organic mix that is approved for use in organic production. Perfect for vegetable, fruit, and herb garden needs. Formulation of peat, composts, perlite, gypsum, limestone, and organic fertilizer. PH balanced. Ready-to-use, sterile mix. OMRI listed.

28 litre is in our packaging - 2 or more bags has additional shipping charges

2 cu ft compressed bale has additional shipping charges.  

Soil, Premier Organic Growing Mix

A uniform and consistent organic mix that is approved for use in organic production. Perfect for vegetable, fruit, and herb garden needs. Formulation of peat, composts, perlite, gypsum, limestone, and organic fertilizer. PH balanced. Ready-to-use, sterile mix. OMRI listed.

28 litre is in our packaging - 2 or more bags has additional shipping charges

2 cu ft compressed bale has additional shipping charges.  

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
28 litres 8057A $11.20
Available to order
2 cubic ft comp 8057B $34.75
Available to order