Orders placed today are shipped with current seed inventory, not 2025

Carrots, Touchon Selection

Improved open-pollinated Nantes selection from
Europe. Deep orange, 20cm/8” roots are good for
fresh eating and storage. More uniform than other
O.P. types. 69 days
Pkt contains 1000-1200 sds.

Carrots, Touchon Selection

Improved open-pollinated Nantes selection from
Europe. Deep orange, 20cm/8” roots are good for
fresh eating and storage. More uniform than other
O.P. types. 69 days
Pkt contains 1000-1200 sds.

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
Packet 1551A $2.65
Available to order
10 grams 1551B $5.75
Available to order
25 grams 1551C $8.15
Available to order
100 grams 1551D $21.25
Available to order
450 grams 1551E $52.95

Seed expected March

2 kilos 1551F $173.95 Not currently available

Seed expected March