Our physical store is closed till Jan 13 for inventory switch over

Cauliflower, Veronica Hybrid Organic

Unusual, lime-green spiked Italian cauliflower.
Better tasting than regular cauliflower, with a
distinctive nutty taste. Grown as a fall crop,
it withstands heavy frosts better than other
cauliflowers. Strong uniform plant requires
minimal nitrogen. Organically grown seed. 77 days
Pkt contains 20-25 sds.

Cauliflower, Veronica Hybrid Organic

Unusual, lime-green spiked Italian cauliflower.
Better tasting than regular cauliflower, with a
distinctive nutty taste. Grown as a fall crop,
it withstands heavy frosts better than other
cauliflowers. Strong uniform plant requires
minimal nitrogen. Organically grown seed. 77 days
Pkt contains 20-25 sds.

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
Packet 1722A $8.20
Available to order
150 seeds 1722B $26.95
Available to order
500 seeds 1722C $63.30
Available to order
1000 seeds 1722D $98.00
Available to order
2500 seeds 1722E $199.15
Available to order
5000 seeds 1722F $337.25
Available to order