Orders placed today are shipped with current seed inventory, not 2025

Pumpkin, White Flat Boer Ford

Edible and decorative white Cinderella pumpkin.
Unique colour and shape for specialty markets.
Stackable flat pumpkin 16-20” across and 6-8“
high, weighing 10 to 15 pounds. Cream white
exterior stays white and does not bleach out or
yellow over time. Bright orange flesh and a sweet
taste. Good storage. 95 days
Pkt contains 8-10 sds

Pumpkin, White Flat Boer Ford

Edible and decorative white Cinderella pumpkin.
Unique colour and shape for specialty markets.
Stackable flat pumpkin 16-20” across and 6-8“
high, weighing 10 to 15 pounds. Cream white
exterior stays white and does not bleach out or
yellow over time. Bright orange flesh and a sweet
taste. Good storage. 95 days
Pkt contains 8-10 sds

Size SKU Price Quantity Availability
Packet 3258A $4.85
Available to order
50 seeds 3258B $8.45
Available to order
150 seeds 3258C $19.15
Available to order
500 seeds 3258D $55.45
Available to order
1000 seeds 3258E $78.45
Available to order
2500 seeds 3258F $165.35
Available to order
5000 seeds 3258G $297.35
Available to order